Well now that I have been able to retrieve my password for this blog, I can once again let you all know what is happening in my world.
First the surf was been way too good to spend much time on my website, designs or even going to work. I did get some great feedback on "Born to Sew" my premiere collection of Tattoo Inspired Embroidery designs. The disc are due in any day, we had some fine tuning to finish, but they are coming. I also have started to sell some custom embroidered shirts. I am happy to work with anyone personal level to create an awesome, one-of-a-kind Shirt. I only use the finest blanks, threads and stabilizers. Most short sleeves will set you back about sixty bucks and the long sleeves with free motion embroidery on the arm, a cool hundred. Worth it, only if you want the coolest stuff around.
Hi Rob. I just found this blog and think its a great idea! Hope all is going well with you and your family !
K, I love your end result! We met back in Portland at Quilt Market and I fell in love with your freehand work! So excited to see your designs in full swing and really... "happening" for lack of a better word. Still want to brain storm with you at some point on getting this look more main stream in the fabric world. I took another set of designs to market in Houston with a more tribal feel for boys, had a couple of nibbles... we'll see if anything actually bites in the next few weeks here. I'll be in touch.
Congrats on your success! Love your style!
Lucy Morey
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